Selasa, 29 Juli 2008


So, I have over the last couple of months not visiting or even write something on the blog. The architecture world did really well (I declare again!...;p) for making me hardtop, and I love being hardtop. I just can't wondering myself waking up in the late morning and found myself have nothing to do for the entire day. I guess I can't deal with such "have nothing to do" feeling, so I am actually grateful to Global Rancang Selaras architecture firm for hiring me and involving me with their tremendeous projects all around the country. I am so pleased.


1 komentar:

words my worLds mengatakan...

abhi dah brapa lama di GRS? :)
hihi,..asik euy! semangatnya abhi! Aku ya mau..
dibagi2 semangatnya! :)
Arsitektur..memang dunia pernuh warna..saya salut, karena arsitektur mata saya terlalu terbuka,hati saya selalu merasa gembira, jika saya disapa dengan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengannya.

Oopsy, it meant to be English written right? lupa..^^